Eli Makus

Senior Partner

Van Dermyden Makus Law Corporation

Eli Makus, AWI-CH, is the Managing Partner of Van Dermyden Makus Law Corporation. Eli conducts and manages neutral, unbiased investigations on complex and sensitive matters. He is experienced in all areas of employment law, including discrimination, harassment, retaliation, disability accommodations, protected leaves of absence, whistleblower claims, privacy, wage-hour compliance, and reorganizations. His clients include private employers and a variety of public agencies, including state agencies, counties, cities, school districts and special districts throughout California. Eli trains and speaks extensively on conducting workplace investigations. Eli has helped employers implement successful internal investigation programs and trained lawyer and non-lawyer investigators how to conduct thorough, prompt, and impartial workplace investigations.

Product Type

AWI - Workplace Investigation Basics On-Demand Seminar Series

Credit available - Click Here for more information

Beginner |  Bias |  Credibility |  External Investigators |  Internal Investigators |  Interviewing
Britt-Marie Cole-Johnson |  Eli Makus |  Nick Slabaugh |  Oliver McKinstry |  Reuben A Mjaanes |  Vida L Thomas
6 Hours, 13 Minutes
Original Program Date:
Jul 01, 2024
Short Description:
This popular, fast-paced program is designed to introduce the participants to the theory and the practical skills necessary to conduct impartial investigations of allegations of employee misconduct.
$475.00 - Base Price

Product Type
On Demand

Hot off the Press! Top Takeaways for Investigators from the EEOC’s New Guidance

Credit available - Click Here for more information

Internal Investigators |  External Investigators
Eli Makus |  Erich Knorr |  Elena Paraskevas-Thadani, Esq.
1 Hour
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
May 28, 2024
Short Description:
On April 29, 2024, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) released its long-awaited new guidance, Enforcement Guidance on Harassment in the Workplace, which replaced the 1999 guidance. Thi...
$50.00 - Base Price

Showing 6 to 7 of 7 entries