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2024 AWI Webinar Year In Review – Trivia Style!

Credit Available - See Credits tab below.

External Investigators |  Internal Investigators
Matthew Rose |  Sarah Tobias
1 Hour
Audio and Video
Never Expires.



Session Description: 

Revisit the best of what 2024 had to offer. This fun, interactive webinar will explore the most educational, interesting, and insightful topics from the 2024 AWI webinars.  Presented trivia style, participants will be quizzed, and then invited to engage in discussions, about the most important topics that have been presented through the 2024 AWI webinars.  Trivia questions will be asked in a fun and interactive poll format.  From there, presenters will discuss key takeaways and lessons learned in a practical format.  Above all, we want participants to learn, have fun, engage in (healthy) competition, and benefit from the fantastic content presented during 2024.


The contents of this webinar and the positions taken are those of the presenter only, may be time-sensitive, and are not warranted, endorsed or otherwise recommended by AWI and are not intended to provide legal advice. 


HRCI Credits

HR (General) Credits: 1.0



California MCLEs: 1.0



Matthew Rose's Profile

Matthew Rose

Van Dermyden Makus Law Corporation

Matt Rose works as a Senior Attorney Investigator at Van Dermyden Makus.  As an external investigator attorney, he regularly investigates claims of discrimination, harassment, retaliation, bullying, employee theft, workplace violence, ethical and policy violations, as well as claims specific to public safety contexts.  His investigations – whether in the public or private sector – commonly involve complex, sensitive, and serious allegations leveled against diverse subjects, from line-level workers up to executives and public officials.  Matt’s prior legal experience includes working as a criminal prosecutor and civil litigator defending employers and other clients.  As a result of those roles, Matt is experienced in conducting sensitive and complex interviews, as well as carrying out fact-finding inquiries in a plethora of criminal, civil, and administrative contexts.

Sarah Tobias's Profile

Sarah Tobias

Van Dermyden Makus Law Corporation

Sarah Tobias is a Senior Attorney Investigator of Van Dermyden Makus Law Corporation’s Sacramento Office.  Sarah specializes in conducting investigations into allegations against public safety employees.  Prior to focusing her practice on workplace investigations, Sarah represented public safety employees, including peace officers, correctional supervisors, and fire personnel.  She represented these employees throughout the disciplinary process, including Skelly Hearings, State Personnel Board Hearings, and arbitrations.