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Differing Approaches to Drafting Allegations

AAWI |  External Investigators |  Internal Investigators |  Report Writing
1 Hour
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Jun 26, 2019
Never Expires.


Drafting allegations is a fundamentally important but often tricky stage in the investigation process.  How an allegation has been drafted has the potential to greatly impact the ease at which a clear finding can later be made. This webinar will focus on exploring the pros and cons of different approaches when it comes to drafting and structuring allegations. This will include considering the circumstances in which the potential breach of policy should be articulated; deciding which words to use (or to avoid using), for example, whether words like ‘appropriate’ or ‘reasonable’ are useful; and examining different approaches for ordering and structuring allegations.  

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this webinar, participants will:

  • Understand different methodologies for drafting and structuring allegations and the pros and cons of each approach
  • Be aware of the risks associated with particular word choices in allegations, and the impact that word choice has on an Investigator’s ability to later make findings
  • Recognise the common mistakes Investigators make when drafting allegations and know how to avoid them.

This webinar is intended for Australasian investigators.

Presenter: Rachel Cornes, Workplace Investigator, Q Workplace Solutions, Brisbane QLD

Since 2016, Rachel Cornes has worked as a Workplace Investigator with Q Workplace Solutions. Rachel is a contributing author to the recently published text, ‘Workplace Investigations Principles and Practice’ (edited by Paula Hoctor and Michael Robertson). Rachel is a talented legal professional who is considerably experienced in both public and private sector workplace relations. During her tenure as a Lawyer in Ashurst's Employment Team and later as Principal Lawyer in the Workplace Law Team at Crown Law, Rachel conducted and advised on numerous workplace investigations encompassing a wide spectrum of employee misconduct complaints. Whilst at Crown Law, Rachel was seconded to the role of Principal Legal Officer, conducting the Barrett Adolescent Centre Commission of Inquiry. 


Disclaimer: The contents of this webinar and the positions taken are those of the presenter only, may be time sensitive, and are not warranted, endorsed or otherwise recommended by AWI and are not intended to provide legal advice.  
