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Carole M Ross

Ross Employment Law

Carole Ross, AWI-CH is an experienced California attorney with Ross Employment Law. Since 2013, Carole's practice has focused on workplace investigations and employee training. Before forming her firm, Carole practiced employment law with Sheppard Mullin for almost 20 years. Carole’s experience included providing employment law advice, preparing handbooks and policies, and litigating employment law cases. In addition to litigating in state and federal court, Carole represented clients in administrative cases before the Department of Fair Employment and Housing, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement, and the National Labor Relations Board. She has handled matters involving harassment, discrimination, retaliation, wrongful termination, wage and hour issues, and more. Carole has served as an equal employment opportunity monitor upon approval of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and a federal court judge. Carole was the chair of the San Diego County Bar Association's Labor & Employment Section. 


Carole currently serves on AWI’s board as treasurer. She also serves on the board of Breakthrough T1D, formerly JDRF, an organization dedicated to curing Type 1 diabetes and improving the lives of those living with Type 1 diabetes.