Mr. Ian Messerle
Workplace Investigator
Ian Messerle, AWI-CH is an attorney and an internal investigator with Weyerhaeuser, a forest products company headquartered in Seattle, Washington. As Weyerhaeuser’s Senior Workplace Investigator, Ian is responsible for all investigations involving complaints of harassment, discrimination, retaliation, as well as investigations alleging conflicts of interest based on intimate or romantic relationships. Ian has been an internal investigator for over ten years, in both the public and private sectors.
He has supervised or personally completed nearly 800 investigations. Ian’s public sector work included significant experience with Title IX.
Before becoming a full-time investigator, Ian practiced as a management-side employment attorney, worked abroad as a tax accountant, earned a teaching certificate, and practiced criminal law as a Lieutenant in the United States Navy JAG Corps. Ian has been active in AWI for over five years, serving as part-time faculty at the AWI institute and presenting online seminars and at AWI’s annual conference.