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Conflict Resolution Options to Consider Before, After, or In Place Of an Investigation

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Advanced |  External Investigators |  Internal Investigators
Elena Acevedo |  Ms. Karen Bell |  Donna Louden |  Ilona Turner
1 Hour
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Mar 15, 2022
Never Expires.



Workplace investigations are often essential for serious allegations of misconduct. But what about cases that don’t rise to the level of an investigation, or cases where no policy violation is found? And what happens after the investigation is over and the employees have to figure out how to work together again?

Conflict resolution tools like mediation and restorative processes are important options for investigators and HR professionals to be aware of. Our panelists will share experiences ranging from administering ombuds programs within large institutions, piloting the use of restorative practices at a major corporation, and mediating individual workplace conflicts of all shapes and sizes. We will discuss opportunities for investigators and HR professionals to expand the services they can offer to support employees in those cases where more than an investigation is needed.


Webinar attendees will be able to:

  • Identify the core elements and strategies used in mediation and restorative processes
  • Recognize when alternative conflict resolution processes may be appropriate in addition to or in place of an investigation, and when they are not recommended
  • Propose the use of workplace conflict resolution tools in appropriate cases



DisclaimerThe contents of this webinar and the positions taken are those of the presenter only, may be time sensitive, and are not warranted, endorsed or otherwise recommended by AWI and are not intended to provide legal advice. 

Cancellation Policy: If you must cancel your webinar registration and do so on or before Friday, March 11, your webinar registration fee will be refunded. To cancel your registration, email Julia Renner at There will be no refunds for cancellations received after Friday, March 11.



California MCLEs: 1.0



Elena Acevedo's Profile

Elena Acevedo

Ethics & Investigations


Ms. Karen Bell's Profile

Ms. Karen Bell


Bell & Kelly LLP

Donna Louden's Profile

Donna Louden

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Donna Louden has served as a facilitator, mediator, and conflict coach in the field of dispute resolution since 1999. She has 20 years’ experience as an organizational ombuds and currently works for the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in Golden, Colorado. Prior to NREL, she was the Associate Director of the ombuds office at the University of Colorado, Boulder, and served as ombuds at the University of California, Irvine. As an organizational ombuds, she helps others engage in effective communication and problem solving. Donna is considered a subject matter expert in interpersonal and organizational conflict management. She is a principal instructor for the International Ombudsman Association (IOA) and has taught professional skills, ethics, and best practices to hundreds of ombuds and mediators from all over the world. She recently developed the curriculum and implemented a new virtual ombud’s training program for IOA that has dramatically increased the organization’s training capacity. She earned a B.A. from Loyola Marymount University. She also has an M.A. from California State University, Fullerton, where her focus of study and research was in cross-cultural conflict.

Ilona Turner's Profile

Ilona Turner

Of Counsel

Oppenheimer Investigations Group LLP

Ilona Turner is a mediator and arbitrator specializing in disputes involving the workplace. She also conducts impartial workplace investigations and trainings with Oppenheimer Investigations Group LLP. Ilona received her J.D. from U.C. Berkeley in 2006 and litigated civil rights cases for 12 years before becoming a full-time neutral in 2018. She has authored numerous articles and book chapters on sex discrimination and LGBT legal issues and teaches a class on Law and Sexuality at the University of California, Berkeley.  She serves on a number of mediation panels including the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, Alameda County Superior Court, and California's Department of Fair Employment and Housing. Ilona is a member of the bar in California and New York. She is a member of AWI, a graduate of AWI’s Training Institute for Workplace Investigators, and an AWI Certificate Holder (AWI-CH). She has conducted investigations for a variety of industries including tech, nonprofit, and government agencies.