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Staci E. Dresher

Founder, Attorney, Investigator

DCI Group

Staci E. Jones is an experienced private investigator, workplace misconduct attorney and corporate risk-mitigation consultant with 20+ years experience at the intersection of law and investigations. After a career as a civil litigator and partner and in-house counsel at a global corporate intelligence firm, Staci formed DCI Group to conduct investigations of workplace misconduct and gather facts and evidence for lawyers and corporate decision-makers with a team of seasoned attorneys and investigative researchers. Staci has quarterbacked dozens of internal corporate investigations and assisted white collar defense teams involving claims of theft and financial fraud.

Product Type
On Demand

Investigating Fraud and Other Financial Crimes

Credit available - Click Here for more information

Advanced |  External Investigators |  Internal Investigators |  Beginner |  Interviewing
Staci E. Dresher |  Rosha Jones |  Jenna Leyton-Jones |  Ms. Ellen London
1 Hour
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
May 22, 2024
Short Description:
In this session, we will discuss issues and nuances that are unique to investigating fraud, bribery, kickback schemes, conflicts of interest and other allegations of financial wrongdoing. 
$50.00 - Base Price

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